
Hey Friends

I hope Tuesday is starting off well for everyone. I was hoping you could do me a favor. I’ve been playing around a lot lately with freelance writing. I’ve posted some of the stuff from this blog on various websites and gotten a decent response.

Anyway, I posted a few newspaper-style stories. It's not great, but I'm trying. Check it out:

Pedro Feliz, Philadelphia Phillies Agreed to Contract

It’s a site that “publishes” stuff online and does a good job of getting search engine traffic. It's a pretty clever site. They get people to write stuff, then make money on ad revenue from it. I wish I was smart. Check it out and leave a nice comment! Thanks!
Also, for reading this post, you are rewarded with a classy pic:


Anonymous said...

Nice work my friend. I am very impressed and hope you continue to put articles out there so people can see how talented you are. I am excited about the opportunity to tell people that I know you.

Anonymous said...

Clinton was hosting a campaign rally here in Independence (outside of Cleveland, OH), and last night, there was a guy holding up a Ron Paul sign outside where Clinton was eating, and he had the sign taken away cause it could be used as a "deadly weapon."

I'm sure it happens with all presidents, but with Clinton they probably take away the cameras, too, lest he be caught in a uncompromising position with a waitress.

Anonymous said...

Really great Eric.